FDA approval of PEPAXTO – Webcast for investors, analysts and the media

In conjunction with the FDA approval of PEPAXTO February 26, Oncopeptides hosted a webcast March 1, 2021, at 07:30 (CET), including presentations by CEO Marty J Duvall, CSO Jakob Lindberg, CMO Klaas Bakker, and CFO Anders Martin-Löf.

The conference call was recorded and available on the link below:


Read the press release here


Presentation as PDF and webcast transcript

CEO Marty J Duvall interviewed in conjunction with the FDA approval

CEO Marty J Duvall interviewed in conjunction with the FDA approval

In conjunction with the FDA approval, Oncopeptides’ CEO Marty J Duvall was interviewed by the Swedish economy TV channel Di.TV Börsmorgon. See the interview (after about 30 sek the interview turns into English).

See the interview